My goals for March were to finish my March bluework snowman block and to quilt and bind my Bricks and Stepping Stones Quilt.
The March bluework snowman block was finished about a week ago.
….but the Bricks and Stepping Stones quilt was not finished until late last night–just in time to make the March deadline! This quilt will be given to one of my niece’s as a wedding gift when she gets married on April 14.
This quilt measures 86″ x 104″.
The piecing pattern is from Bonnie’s Quiltville website. If you are interested in the pattern, follow this link:

This is a closeup of the fabric on the border of this quilt. I love this fabric.
I also finished my crayon block. The moles seem to have eaten my daffodil bulbs so the only daffodils I am going to see are those that I put on a quilt!
This last picture is Joey. When I am finished with the binding on a quilt, I like to measure the length and width of the quilt. The tape measure proved to be too tempting a toy for Joey.