Color Catcher Strings

This is a flimsy that I put together today.
The blocks are my Color Catcher foundation pieced string blocks. After piecing my strings onto the used Color Catchers, I trimmed the blocks to 4″ x 9 1/2″ I then pieced 3 1/4″ x 9 1/2″ strips of black fabric to either side of the strips to make blocks that were 9 1/2″ square. The top was finished off with a 4″ plain black border.
The top finished at 52 1/2″ x 78 1/2″.
The light area in the center of the quilt is the sunlight showing through. Today was such a pleasant day weather wise.
I am now working on putting together my used dryer sheet string blocks. I hope to have that flimsy finished this weekend as well.

11 thoughts on “Color Catcher Strings

  1. The blocks are great. Such colourful blocks set in the black. Really striking. What are colour catchers? It is probably something really simple that I should know — LOL

  2. Oh, this looks wonderful! Almost like it is woven the way you turned the blocks up and down and then sideways. The black really sets this off.

    Okay, I can see I must save me some more color catchers.

  3. Ohhh no…. I’m no supposed to be getting any ideas about quilts to make- there is no time and no way. This one looks like a really good way to use up scrap pieces- now i’ll nover throw anything out! thanks- maybe there is a way to bookmark this quilt so that I can make it when I get back to my machine.

  4. Those strings look fantastic against the black and I love the way you’ve arranged them. It reminds me of being in church as a kid when all was quiet and looking at the stained glass windows with the summer sun shining through from outside

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