We often see pictures of quilts with legs on the Internet.
When I am finished a customer quilt–if the weather is nice–I clamp the quilt to the deck railing and take a picture of the finished product. However, the weather lately has been anything but nice and so when the weather does not permit taking the quilt’s picture outdoors, I resort to the quilt hanger with hands and legs. I prefer the 6’7″ model as his height allows for the largest of quilts to be held flat without folds at the floor and his arm span allows for a quilt to be held out nice and wide without wrinkles.
The reason I am showing this first picture is not so much to show the quilt but to show you the attire of the quilt holder – well most of the attire of the quilt holder. You can see the bright yellow Hawaiian shirt. What you can’t see is the bright blue shorts! Notice the bare legs and lack of socks. (He did resort to slippers.) He said he was wearing the outfit to bring about nice weather–if you dress like it, it will come. He felt if he dressed like it was Spring karma would intervene somehow and it would be Spring. If nothing else, his outfit brought a bright spot to an otherwise dull day yesterday. Yes, bring on Spring!
This is Joey–enjoying a moment in the sunshine as it came through the living room window.
And I couldn’t resist this one–all pooped out! Joey looks like he is trying to grab onto that quilt before it decides to go somewhere.