Strips, Strings, and Leftovers

I have been busy playing with my bin of strips, strings, and bits again. I love making blocks from that jumble of fabric. This time, I have been making half log cabin blocks. These blocks are rather mindless and low stress. There is no matching of intersections or points, just fun sewing! Once I had a few blocks made, I tried out some layouts on the “design floor”.

This layout was inspired by, “Mumbo Gumbo”.

Linda thought this layout looked a little dimensional–like blocks that are overlapping one another.

This is my favorite layout–on point in a chevron design.

The funny thing about that bin of strips, strings, and leftovers–no matter how many blocks I make, the pile does not seem to go down at all! I swear these things multiply when you aren’t looking!

8 thoughts on “Strips, Strings, and Leftovers

  1. I love this one. Totally scrappy is my favorite. I also like the last setting best. I agree that scraps multiply. I made two totally scrap quilt and for sure there are more scraps now than when I started.

  2. I really like the chevron one. I have to say – this is the first really scrappy quilt that I’ve ever liked – it usually isn’t my thing – but these half log cabins are wonderful.

  3. I like them straight AND on point, LOL. BUT I didn’t know I did till you took that last picture. Still think they look like mahjongg tiles all stacked up.

    Another fun way to work thru the scraps!

  4. Love them, especially the first and last versions. I have a half log cabin, set on point on my to do list and love your version!

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