I am happy to report that I have met my goals for February!
My first finish is my February bluework snowman. As you can see, he is currently blind and buttonless. I have discovered the most wonderful beads and so I have given up on the French knots. I will add the beads after the blocks are finished, assembled into the finished top and quilted. It is much easier to deal with embellishments after the quilting is finished.
I have not yet pressed this block because I am still looking for the perfect stain remover that will remove some stains near the snowman’s head (they don’t seem to show up in the picture, but believe me, they are there). I have been successful in fading the stains, but not in totally removing them. I have tried everything I can think of including rubbing alcohol, lemon juice, the Tide pen, the bleach pen, and some solvent based stain remover. Nothing wants to to totally remove the stains. I must be more careful on my next blocks to make sure I don’t end up with more mystery stains.
The second finish for February is my Double Four Patch quilt. The last stitches were taken on the binding tonight. I quilted this one with Circle Lord’s Zig Zag / Wave template.

I tried a new batting in this quilt by the Warm Company. The batting is an 80/20 blend and is so light and soft compared to Warm and Natural. It also shows off the quilting nicely. I am going to be using this batting again!
WOW Norma goals met for February and we’re not even half way through the month…way to go!
I love teh double fourpatch and the quilting on it is really nice. I don’t have much choice in batting aronud here but it’s good to get a hint on what to try if I go shopping in Winnipeg. If the weather ever warms up, that is.
Here it’s just the beginning of the second week of February and your goals are finished – well done! You have obviously been putting the “pedal to the metal”. That’s got to give you a marvelous feeling of accomplishment!
Congrats on meeting your goals. I really like your 4 patch quilt. Simple is so nice sometimes *s*
You’ve finished February’s goals already?! Come help me with mine! Love the quilt, and that quilting design, I used one similar on my Stash Fun quilt but made it too big. Love the quilt, I think some of those fabrics have twins in my stash.
Look at you go! I wish I was closer to give you a lesson on French knots but I don’t blame you for wanting to add beads for eyes and little buttons. I am looking at the July one and wishing I could find some tiny, tiny stars instead of doing that fussy stitching.
I love that wave template and you are right about the definition on the quilting. Joey stayed off your lap long enough for you to get finished, I see, LOL.
I should be well on my way for the grab some fabric challenge but alas, only the hat is done towards this month’s “bluework” Maybe once I am back from the sewing retreat this weekend? Stitch and chat?
oops forget to add that I like how you have the same color chaining through each double four patch block–carries the eye throughout the block. Well done and congrats on the finish as well.
Congrats on your finished quilt. I just love it and also love the quilting pattern.
Cute little snowman. Even the bleach pen didn’t work? Usually that works well.
I have that brown border fabric with the stars — I have used that so much over the years in quilts and borders – love that fabric!
Now don’t gasp in horror, but have you tried the Oxyclean for babies? It has a pink lid. I’ve used it on (sit down for this) an antique mohair shawl that was so filthy it was stiff. It came out beautiful. Congrates on meeting your February goals.
That quilting design is really nice. I like it! I’ve also used the Warm 80/20 blend, it’s nice and a good price.
Ooooh . . . . I like your snowman. I hope you can get stains out.
I love your bluework! Feb. is as cute as Jan.
The double four patch looks great, and I like that quilting pattern.
Have you ever used Quilter’s Dream batting? I think the cotton is wonderfully soft – and it washes beautifully. At least the first 200 times. Don’t know about after that.
I like the border print on the double 4, too.
The quilt looks wonderful, and the quilting shows up really well.
I use the 80/20 batting almost all the time and love how it drapes-well done on meeting your goals!
The quilting is simple and yet so nice. I think I will try that one as well. I like your quilt very much as brown, taupe and mud (as colors!) are some of my favorite.
WTG on the goals!
I like the waves on the blocks there – I tend to think that square edges look great with curvy quilting like your waves or fans. 🙂
Norma, since you have already met your goals in the first week of February, you can choose three other lucky people, and accomplish our goals! Pick me!
The February snowman is adorable. The double four patch quilt looks great, my eyes were looking all around at the gorgeous colors – the white must makes it sparkle, then I realized it might have been the quilting design. I love that design. I have done waves like that free hand, but I have never tried a formal approach. Of course, with my small machine, free hand works best, cause I’m not sure I can handle following the lines.