Category Archives: Merry Christmas
Images of Christmas 2007
This post is all about the Christmas season at our house.
First, is a picture of our tree. This year, I considered not putting up the large tree. I was feeling overwhelmed with all of the preparations leading up to Christmas, work commitments, etc. My husband insisted that we needed to have the tree and so while I cleaned the house and rearranged the furniture to make room, my DH put up the tree and with my DD’s assistance, the tree was decorated. This is how handsome our tree looked this year in the corner of the living room.
I collect snowmen and these are some images of my favorite snowmen that were displayed in the house this year.

Of course, Joey the helper cat was never too far away!
This is a picture of my DS and DD on Christmas morning. They are just starting to open the presents in their stockings.

My DS.
My DD with some computer software that my DH and I gave her. She looks tired, doesn’t she.

My brother and his family joined us after dinner. This is my SIL, nephew, brother, mother, and father.