These are two fall cross stitch FFOs that I finished today. These finishes took a lot longer than I thought they would!

This pillow finish is a complimentary pattern by Robin Pickens called, Happy Fall Acorn.
I watched pillow finishing tutorials by Nichol Spohr LLC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ8pdlq7mQE&t=1513s and Helen D. (Eastcoast Crafer) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b2pucEneA4&t=763s before attempting to finish my pillow.

This box finish is a complimentary pattern by Pinker n’ Punkin Quilting called, Pumpkin & Bittersweet Sampler. The pumpkin sampler was laced onto a piece of matt board with two layers of batting and set into a bamboo drawer organizer that I found at Dollarama. I often pick up items from the local dollar stores that I think will be suitable for finishing and then keep them on hand for when I need to fully finish my stitches. This item was just the right size to fit my piece. I would like to add some stuffed or needle punched/wool pumpkins to the bottom inside of this piece in the future.