Gratitude Quilt – Finished

I am happy to report that I have met my goal for January – the Christmas Gratitude quilt is finished–I took the last stitches in the binding this morning. This is item #2 on my UFO list. With a goal of finishing one UFO per month, this year is off to a fine start.

This project busted the red and green fabrics in my Christmas fabric stash right down to the backing. I pieced the backing from 10 1/2″ squares of all the Christmas reds and greens in my stash.

Gratitude Quilt – Quilted

My Gratitude quilt is now quilted. I hope to finish prepping and attaching the binding to the quilt this afternoon so that all that will remain is the hand stitching.

I have two more customer quilts waiting in the wings, so I have told myself I only have this afternoon to work on this quilt–then it gets set aside until after the customer quilts are finished.

Gratitude Quilt

These are 8 of the 12 crumb blocks that I am making for my Gratitude quilt. When Judy L. showed us how to make Jeanne’s Gratitude Quilt as an hour-a-day project in November, I was just too busy to follow along with each day’s hourly task. I have wanted to make this quilt since I saw Jeanne post her version in September.

While cleaning up my studio after the rush of finishing projects for Christmas I decided rather than just put the scraps in to the scrap bin, I would do something with them. All of the scraps were Christmas fabrics. I cut the larger pieces into strips and 5″ nickel squares. I sewed the bits together into 8″ crumb blocks. (There is a member of my quilt guild that says she regularly sews her leftovers to used dryer sheets so that she has blocks ready for quilts when she wants them–and the bonus is that she has no scrap leftovers!)

When I was looking for ideas to set the blocks together, I came across a picture of Jeanne’s quilt that I had pasted into my idea journal. The Gratitude quilt was the perfect setting for my crumb blocks! So, I am making the quilt that I have wanted to make and I tidied up my studio at the same time! I am not sure if it is progress if you add to your UFOs while busting stash or not but I am sure having fun!