A Fresh Dump of that White Stuff

This is what we woke up to this morning….

This is a close up shot of some of the snow in our yard.

DH and I decided to bundle up and go for a walk in the snow.

This tree looked so lonely all by itself.

Branches were heavy with snow.

The robins seemed confused by all the snow.

They were puffed up in the trees–trying to stay warm.
This is the tree in our front yard. I don’t like snow, but I have to admit that it made this tree look gorgeous.
Some of the streets in our little town.

After our walk, we warmed up with hot chocolate and fresh banana bread.

Today I am wanting to get back to working on my Bridge Creek Blossom quilt. I put the blocks up on the design wall Friday night and played with their placement. As you can see, it is a little hard to lay out the blocks for a queen size quilt on a double size design wall. We’ll see how far I get on this top today.

4 thoughts on “A Fresh Dump of that White Stuff

  1. Gorgeous snow pictures in B & W with the robin in stark contrast to that in his color shot. Of course the best and brightest is the BCB with the block puddle on the floor. That is going to be one gorgeous quilt, Norma! DD already wondering where this one goes??

    Hope your cold gets better soon and the snow melts off quickly. Winter came all at once, in the past few days, it would seem.

  2. I love the quilt picture but really don’t care for the snow even if it looks nice.
    Wish I could stay in Mesa longer.

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