Pansy Lap Quilt – Finished Flimsy

When I was in a local fabric store a month ago, I fell in love with a pansy fabric that was marked down to clear it out as there was less than 2m left on the bolt. I was then on the search for the perfect pattern that would allow me to showcase the gorgeous print with minimal cutting. I found the pattern I was looking for in the Dec/Jan 2011 issue of Quick Quilts (page 14 – Manor House designed by Kari Nichols). This one finishes at approximately 53″ x 70″–a perfect lap size.

I am working on the “reward” system right now. If I finish an old UFO, then I get to work on a reward. A reward for me is a simple project – something new – something that will qualify as quick gratification because it is fast – something that I can finish quickly so my reward doesn’t turn into another UFO. This pansy project was my reward for finishing my Christmas Patience Corners to the flimsy stage.

I wasn’t quite ready to call it a night last night when I had the lap quilt finished so I made this matching candle mat (still a flimsy). This is Sandra E. Andersen’s design and is called Candlelight.

This is a picture of the mountain that I can see from our living room window. We woke up to a light dusting of snow on the ground this morning. The snow on our lawn was gone before noon, but the snow remains on the nearby mountains.

8 thoughts on “Pansy Lap Quilt – Finished Flimsy

  1. Gorgeous, Norma! Really turned out much prettier than I thought when you pointed me to the pattern.

    Well done—and a candlemat with the leftovers even.

    What is next for you in the UFO pile?

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