Seminole Workshop

On Saturday, I attended Carol Piercy’s Seminole Cinco workshop. The first two pictures are of Carol’s quilts. These quilts were beautiful — far more beautiful than they are showing up in these pictures.

To see more of Carol’s great quilts, visit her website at:
Carol is a great teacher. She showed us a few tricks that we can use in the assembly of our Seminole pieced rows. Several people could be heard oohing and ahhhing as she explained some techniques that make assembly of the rows so much easier.
I decided to use some of my chicken fabric collection and this is what I have come up with so far. I have two complete rows of Seminole piecing and part of a third row complete. There are 5 Seminole pieced rows and several filler rows between those rows in this particular quilt pattern.
I have started to lay out my pieced rows and filler bits on my design floor to see what my quilt might look like. Carol warned us that it would take a while to figure out the order that we might want to sew our rows together. Carol explained how to audition the various colours and fabrics for our rows so that we can achieve balance in our finished project.
This was an excellent workshop! I have already picked out the next piece of border fabric from my stash that will be the inspiration point for my next Seminole quilt.
And lastly, a picture of blossoms on my African Violet. The contrast of the purple flowers against the deep green leaves is beautiful!

3 thoughts on “Seminole Workshop

  1. I am glad that you had such a good time at the seminar. Just the break you needed–try something new!

    It will be interesting to watch this quilt grow!

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