Progress on my Seminole Quilt

This is my Seminole quilt so far.

I ended up re-doing the first row. The fabrics I had originally made this row from ended up blending together too much – not near enough contrast.

The problem I had with this quilt was that I had way too many chicken fabrics that I wanted to add to this project. I kept adding bits from my stash and in the end I have ended up with a piece that is 42″ x 71″. At this point I should be adding borders. However, to keep this quilt from being just a long skinny quilt, I may have to add some Seminole piecing to the side(s) before adding the borders.

This project has really challenged me. I continued to modify, rearrange and change options right up until all the rows were finally sewn together. As I took the picture tonight of the progress so far I find myself contemplating more options. This project will definitely not be “finished” for a while yet!

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