Addition of the Quilting Annex

Our son bought his own place and moved out on his own in April. When he was living at home, his bedroom was the room just off my studio. Once the space was vacated, I seized the opportunity to occupy the additional real estate and my Quilting Annex was born!

My husband and I got busy and painted the walls in the new space and made a trip to IKEA to buy some more cabinets to add much needed storage. These are pictures of the new space.
This is the view you see as you enter my longarm studio. To the right is the door to my new Quilting Annex.

This is the view from across the room looking back towards the door into my longarm studio.

This is the view from the side of the longarm studio. The picture was taken while standing in the doorway of the Annex.

This is the view of the opposite side of the room looking into the Annex.

This is a picture taken from inside the Quilting Annex. Storage surrounds my worktable.

The bottom half of the shelving units houses my stash. Fabrics in my stash are organized in colour groupings. The top sections of the shelving units are open and house UFO’s and fabrics that have been committed to projects not yet started.

The white boxes in this picture house UFO’s. The clear totes to the right of the white boxes house strips and squares organized in various size groupings. These boxes are used to make the scrap quilts that I love so much.

I have room for all my quilting books and magazines within reach of my worktable.

And here I am working on my Scrap Chevron Log Cabin blocks. You can see my laptop on my work surface. My laptop allows me to quilt and chat with my quilting friends living in Alabama, Oregon, and Wisconsin via Messenger.

A tour of my studio would not be complete without checking in with Joey. This is Joey’s favorite spot to sit in my studio–the windowsill. From this vantage point Joey can keep an eye on everything that moves through the yard and down the street.
This picture is for Linda. Our rhubarb seems to be enjoying the rainy weather we have had this spring. Those large leaves are so suited to trapping the rain. Rhubarb grows like a weed here. I wish I could send you some, Linda!

8 thoughts on “Addition of the Quilting Annex

  1. I think your space is great! And very, very organized. It makes me a little envious. I’d love to have a bigger space but I’d have to kick my husband out and I don’t think he would like that!

  2. Oh Norma – that looks like a totally fabulous space!! Yah for you!! I guess you didn’t make it out to the quilt show in North Van? I would loved to have seen you!

  3. I guess I forgot to comment here since you shared the pictures online with me via Messenger—and I could ask you where I was facing in the house, LOL. Lovely space to work in–and play in too.

    So I missed the rhubarb plant until now! Wow, that thing is huge and would produce a bunch of spring tonic.

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