Fall Fair Weekend – September 13, 2008

Our small town has an annual Fall Fair the second Saturday of September every year. This year the weather cooperated and we had a great turnout. The fair starts Friday afternoon and goes right through Saturday night.

These are some pictures of the parade through our main street on Saturday morning.

Every parade starts with the RCMP. I remember when the constable leading the parade used to borrow a local horse and ride the route, now they drive a vehicle. Here we have the local Legion members.

It is tradition for the Corn King (last year it was a Corn Queen for the first time) be driven in a horse drawn carriage. It is great that some traditions remain alive.
A small float.
Here we have the next Grad class. Another tradition is that the next class that will be graduating rides on a float in the parade.

Restored old vehicles are always a hit.

These kids were cute with their ponies.

This is the rest of the Grad class.
This little boy was so cute with his mini “chopper” and henna tattoos.
The teenage boys loved this truck.
The fair includes a tractor pull. Each year the tractors that will be competing in the tractor pull are invited to drive the parade route. Because my Dad was not at this year’s fair, I have taken these pictures for him. Yes, there were a lot of tractors!

You know you are getting to the end of the parade when you see the fire trucks coming.
The next two pictures were taken from our deck looking across our back yard. This gives you an idea just how close the fair is to us. We literally live fair for the week prior to the opening as all the big trucks and rides arrive and set up.
The people standing inside that chain link fence are in the beer garden. This would have to be the downside of the fair. This year that beer garden opened up at supper time Friday night and stayed open until 11:00 pm and then opened up again Saturday morning and ran until 11:00 pm Saturday night.
To the right of our shed there is an easement or opening in the fence to the fairgrounds. Where do you suppose all those people who have been drinking for hours go when they leave? You guessed it–through that opening in the fence and past our yard, sometimes through our yard to their parked vehicles. Of course they leave all their garbage, beer cans, etc. along the way. This year I was grateful to hear that the RCMP set up several road blocks on the edge of town to intercept those who insisted on drinking and driving.