Color Catcher Strings

This is a flimsy that I put together today.
The blocks are my Color Catcher foundation pieced string blocks. After piecing my strings onto the used Color Catchers, I trimmed the blocks to 4″ x 9 1/2″ I then pieced 3 1/4″ x 9 1/2″ strips of black fabric to either side of the strips to make blocks that were 9 1/2″ square. The top was finished off with a 4″ plain black border.
The top finished at 52 1/2″ x 78 1/2″.
The light area in the center of the quilt is the sunlight showing through. Today was such a pleasant day weather wise.
I am now working on putting together my used dryer sheet string blocks. I hope to have that flimsy finished this weekend as well.