JOY Wall Hanging

Yesterday was a day to have fun in the studio. With Christmas fast approaching, I was tempted to dip into my stash of Christmas fabrics. I was looking for a quick project that would not add to my never ending UFO list.

This was the perfect project. It measures just 12 1/2″ x 24 1/2″ and can be finished to the binding stage within a day. (The white in the picture is not a border, but is the batting before it has been trimmed away.)

The letters are fused to the background and then attached with a machine blanket stitch. Quilting is simple–an X across each square in the border and then outline stitching around each letter. After binding and the addition of a sleeve, this project is ready to give away as a gift.

14 thoughts on “JOY Wall Hanging

  1. I love this one Norma, my elder daughter, my sister and believe it or not my father all share the same middle name ‘Joy’ – I think I should make something similar for each of them for this Christmas. I especially like the heart shaped letter ‘O’

  2. Hi Norma, what a darling little hanging!!Why is it we almost always forget about these cute and quick little ones that give such satifaction! I’m going to write myself a note!! But what should it say???
    Maybe JOY?? Hugs, Finn

    PS..I love your pumpkin quilt # 1 and what great perfectly straight lines.
    I think your Dad might be hard to please, since no true straight lines exist in nature…LOL I’ll bet he loves this quilt tho!!!

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