BQ Pumpkin Quilt #1 – Quilting Complete

I have finished quilting BQ Pumpkin Quilt #1! I ordered some new Circle Lord templates for my long arm and used two of them on this quilt.

This quilt will eventually belong to my parents so I chose to do a lot of straight line quilting on this one. My dad is always impressed with the perfectly straight lines that my machine can accomplish so that is what is on this quilt. I used the square spiral template in the large pumpkin squares and in the small pumpkin squares on the border. I used the cross hatch template to do the 45 degree angles and my channel locks to do the horizontal lines.

I will save putting the binding on this quilt for another day. I am anxious to load the next quilt and try some different templates!

The next two pictures are taken at an angle to show the quilting design more. Ideally, I would take pictures of this quilt outside but the heavy rains we are currently experiencing means that outside pictures are out of the question.

This is a picture of the back–sometimes quilting is easier to see from the back.

11 thoughts on “BQ Pumpkin Quilt #1 – Quilting Complete

  1. Wow, that looks good! I am glad that you included the side and back view so we could see the quilting better. I was peering in very close to the monitor like Mr. Magoo trying to see it, LOL in the full on shot.

  2. The quilt looks really nice. Great Pumpkin fabric. How are you doing with the rain and wind? We were without power today for 15 hours today. Good thing we have a fireplace.

  3. I’ve been out of touch lately. Pictures don’t show up on my bloglines–BQ Pumpkins..I’m thinking… Bar-be-que Pumpkins????? Gotta check out this quilt… But I remembered it. It’s great that your Dad takes an interest in your work. Have a good weekend.

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