On day 3, we headed out from Salt Lake City through Filmore and Cedar City, Utah to Zion National Park. http://www.zion.national-park.com/
Category Archives: travel
Vacation – Part 2
Our holiday started January 15 with a flight to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. When we arrived in Saskatoon in the afternoon the temperature was -22 degrees Celsius (-7.6 degrees F) with the windchill.We spent our first night at the Saskatoon Inn. This is the view from our room on the fourth floor. These structures are actually the skylights on a lower roof than our room. I didn’t venture outside to take more pictures because of the cold. I only took pictures that I could take from the hotel window. As you can see, the snow blew up against the skylights. This is exactly the sort of weather that we are wanting to leave behind as we head south in search of sun and warmth!

Vacation – Part 1
I have been MIA from the blogging world for most of January and the first week of February.
I have been on vacation! I was doing what many Canadians have been doing for years–escaping the cold winter and visiting the sun.
These thimbles represent some of the places I visited on this holiday. Montana, Idaho and Utah.

CGA Conference – Kelowna – September 17 to 19
This year the CGA (Certified General Accountant) Conference was held in Kelowna from September 17 to 19. A co-worker and I drove up to Kelowna together to attend the conference. http://www.cga-bc.org/
On one of the morning’s before the conference started we had some extra time so we walked around the grounds of the Conference Centre. This sculpture is called, Rhapsody and was made by R. Dow Reid.

The grounds of the estate and view were beautiful!
Summer Holiday: Flying Home
Sadly, I reached the end of my holiday on September 7 and it was time to fly home. My parents were heading further east with a bus tour to see the Mealtimes and I flew back to BC.
It was quite cloudy when we were flying over Saskatchewan and Alberta and I couldn’t see much. However, once we crossed the Rockies, the clouds parted and the view was terrific! This is part of the Rocky Mountain Range.
This is the Okanagan: Okanagan Lake on the left, Wood Lake on the top right and Kalamaka Lake on the lower right.
These mountains are part of the Cascade Mountain Range.
We are getting closer to home. This is Harrison Lake.
And another shot of Harrison Lake.
And finally, home at last!