I have joined many of the quilters in blogland in the latest quilting craze–string blocks.
I started by using used dryer sheets as foundations. I made 10 blocks during the month of February and another 17 blocks during the month of March. The total string blocks that I have pieced to date on dryer sheet foundations is: 27. These blocks measure 6″ x 8.5″
Thanks to Finn I have also been using old color catchers as string foundations. Thanks to Mary I have been making these string blocks into coins. These blocks have been trimmed to 4″ x 9.5″.
These string blocks are more traditional in nature as they have been pieced on a muslin foundation. I made a total of 12 of these blocks during the month of March. These blocks finish at 9.5″ square.
At this point I am just making the blocks in the spare moments that present themselves during the week. As the blocks are finished they are sorted into boxes by type, where they will sit until the right quilt setting presents itself…………………..or until I run out of strings (Like that will ever happen! *VBG)