I am so behind in posting. I realized yesterday that there are pictures still on my camera from two quilt shows that I attended in October.
These pictures are from a small local quilt show in Harrison Mills. Each year there is a small dedicated group of women who live in the community who put together a quilt show inviting all local quilters to display their quilts. The proceeds from admission to the show support a local initiative each year. This year’s proceeds went towards a bursary that will benefit a deserving high school student in their graduation year.
This was a particularly special day for me as my DH agreed to attend the show with me! Yes, my DH attended a quilt show! Of course, because this quilt show is local it is attended by many of the people who live nearby so he was sure to know someone there so there wasn’t much danger in attending. I promised that when I blogged about this show, I would also mention that my DH paid my admission! Consider me living up to my promise.
The first two quilts were wonderful stitcheries that made me smile. The first one could be me and the second could represent any of the local families in the area.
The hall is quite small and located out in the country amidst dairy farms and corn fields. The women on the committee have reflected the countryside in their hanging of the quilts by hanging the quilts from clothes lines with clothes pegs.

I enjoyed the next two quilts–probably because they feel antique to me. They were both made from scraps using very old patterns–the spider web and pinwheel.
It was a beautiful day and on the way home we stopped by a very small cafe for lunch. This is one of those places where you help yourself to the coffee and refills and the person taking your order is also the one who goes into the kitchen to prepare it. We had always intended to stop and try this place out but never seemed to be going by when they were open. This was the day to try it out and we were not disappointed.