My long weekend has come to an end. 🙁
I had last Friday and today off from work which gave me a 4-day weekend. It has been wonderful–like a mini vacation!
Sunday was Mother’s Day and I had a fabulous day. Both my son and daughter helped out by doing some of the household chores. I spent the afternoon quilting. My son, daughter, and husband looked after cooking supper. We had my parents over for supper and we had a nice evening visiting with them.
As you can see by the cards below, both my kids have a sense of humor.
From my daughter:
I love the mug that my daughter gave me.
From my son and his girlfriend:
I love ladybugs and this sign and ladybug ornament from my son and his girlfriend are perfect!
My husband got me an I-Pod so that I can listen to quilting pod casts. This is something I have wanted for a very long time. I guess he was listening to me!
I had quite a few finishes this weekend as far as quilting goes.
I finished the binding on my Parrot Building Blocks quilt. This was a pattern that Pam found on-line that was designed by Debbie Mumm. If you would like to make your own quilt, the pattern can be found here:
My version is larger than Debbie’s and finishes at 52″ x 75″.

Because the first Building Blocks quilt went together so quickly, I had time to make another one with some lady bug fabric on the border.