My Name is Norma Hanson. I live on the west coast of Canada in British Columbia.
I was introduced to quilting by a co-worker in 1997. This co-worker was talking about getting together with some friends to discuss their next quilt project. They were getting together for tea on a Sunday afternoon and they were all bringing along their patterns to decide what project they would be working on before Christmas. I was invited to come along. We decided as a group to make a log cabin quilt. The four more experienced quilters of the group chose a “more complex” tulip variation of the log cabin block. Because this was my first quilt, I chose to make a more simpler two colour log cabin block. We got together on a weekend in November 1997 to work from morning to evening to finish our quilt tops. I caught the quilting bug that weekend.
In spring 2005 I bought an APQS long arm and by August I was working at finishing customer quilts.
The same co-worker that introduced me to quilting was also responsible for my introduction to blogs and blogging. On January 2, 2006, I started this blog to record my quilting journey and those significant “other” events in my life as they happen.
I am thankful for all the quilting friends I have met around the world through blogging.
You can contact me by e-mail at: silverthimble@shaw.ca.