PieceMakers Summer 2006 Paint Chip Challenge – Results

Our guild usually sponsors a summer challenge. The challenge this year was to pick a paint chip from a paper bag (so that you couldn’t see which one you were getting) to determine the colour scheme of your project. We picked the paint chips at the June meeting. We had all summer to finish our challenge.

Using the pinwheel variations block shown below and the paint colour chip you selected you had to make a quilt or wall hanging no larger than 18″ square.

You could make just one block or as many as you wanted as long as the quilt was no larger than 18″ square. You were to use at least one of the colours from the paint chip and you could introduce other colours but the paint chip colour had to be the predominant one.

This is my completed challenge quilt. I made my project into a pillow.

We were to bring our finished challenge quilt to the September meeting for show and tell. These are some of the quilts displayed at our September 20th guild meeting. It was very interesting to see how everyone interpreted the challenge. This is one talented group of ladies!

9 thoughts on “PieceMakers Summer 2006 Paint Chip Challenge – Results

  1. Wow, Norma–those came out way different that I would have expected! Interesting interpretations including your pillow. Loved seeing the pictures.(can you tell I am a few days behind here?)

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