Chicken Towne Purse

When Karen of Passionate Quilter fame posted her Towne Purse last week, her post reminded me that I have also made the same purse. I used chicken and egg fabrics for my version.

This is the front…………
and this is the back………
This pattern is called Towne Purse and it is from Lazy Girl Designs.

I use my purse for my hand work supplies. It is always stocked with a hand applique project so that if I need to grab a portable project in a hurry it is ready to go. Posted by Picasa

8 thoughts on “Chicken Towne Purse

  1. This is really cute! I have one cut out and quilted but is as far as it got, LOL. Broke the zipper on the other one I did have made, the smaller sized one.

    Chickens! Your favorite.

  2. That is a cute bag. I will have to look for the pattern, as if I don’t already have books and books of bag patterns, including several from Japan that are wonderful and just waiting to be made up.

  3. Now that is the perfect use for chicken fabrics! I’ll have to keep my eyes open for that pattern, its a take along that doesn’t look like another tote-and I like the zippered top.

  4. Great bag ( do you find eggs in it sometimes?) I have made a similar one also by Lazy Girl Patterns called City Bag. It had a good easy way to put the zip in but had a really bad thick folded over bass which I would cut out another time. I put a wooden slat in the bottom to make it stand. Mine is black and white and holds lots.

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