Japanese Maple Trees

These are the Japanese Maple Trees in our yard. I just love these trees at this time of year! These pictures were taken yesterday during a break in the rain showers. We are currently in the middle of a “pineapple express” storm and it seems like the rain will never stop!

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13 thoughts on “Japanese Maple Trees

  1. We have one Japanese maple – I really love it’s colors. I think the monsoons are hitting all along the western part of the continent from British Columbia clear to southern Oregon. I know lots of places around here are beginning to flood, and the coast is experiencing mudslides and road closures.

  2. When DJ and I were walking the other day, he was saying he would like to have one of those maples that would be the nice orange red or scarlet leafed. We kept seeing the yellow, orange or burgundy colored ones. I wondered what variety he would have to look for.

    So you are getting hit with all that rain as well in BC? I knew OR and WA were and should have guessed that it was moving into CA as well.

  3. yfwow The trees are gorgeous and to my eye they mimic the colors of the green/raspberry quilt in the post before. Life imitating art or art imitating life?


  4. Those trees are beautiful! Did you notice how the colors of the trees echo the colors of your customer’s quilt? The quilt is lovely and the quilting on it is great.

  5. Ohhh, just lovely, I tried to grow a Japanese Maple in our yard, but it’s just too hot here for them. How lucky you are, they have the most gorgeous colours.

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