Gwen Marston Workshop – Day 3 – March 9, 2015

On day 3 of the Gwen Marston workshop we headed out of the city to the cutest farm house and long arm studio in the country.

We stood around Gwen at the table while she brought out more of her quilts.  We enjoyed listening to Gwen talk about the techniques she used as she made each quilt–everything from  why she used the colour of thread she did for the handquilting, how she applied the single fold binding, the type of batting she used, etc.  We could have listened to her share forever I am sure.

Photo by

Photo by

These are photos of Gwen’s quilts.DSC_1319-Optimized DSC_1324-Optimized

DSC_1325-Optimized DSC_1328-Optimized This one reminded Gwen of butter.  “And who doesn’t like butter,” she said.  🙂DSC_1329-OptimizedDSC_1331-OptimizedDSC_1326-Optimized

This is Gwen and I at the end of the day posing with my two creations.  Gwen helped pick out the colour of the binding–red–by auditioning a narrow strip next to my work.  Both pieces ended up suiting that red for binding and so they shall be bound in red after quilting.  Red was not a colour I would have thought of on my own, but I love the look!DSC_1334

2 thoughts on “Gwen Marston Workshop – Day 3 – March 9, 2015

  1. what a wonderful experience with Gwen! I so enjoy her quilting style and she is a wonderful teacher as well. I look forward to seeing your finished small quilts from this workshop!

  2. Hi Norma, I just happened onto this page and I thank you for you nice comments….You did a very nice job of photographing and showing my quilts too. Hope all is well with you! Gwen

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