Our Fabric Gems – Chilliwack Quilt Show -October 19, 2019

There are two quilt guilds in Chilliwack – each meet once a month, one meets in the mornings and the other meets in the evenings.  Each guild hosts a quilt show every other year.  Both guilds hold their quilt show in the same location in the month of October.  This means that there is a quilt show in Chilliwack every October.  I think to the public attending, they likely think it is all one guild, but it isn’t.

This year it was the Day Guild’s turn to host their show.


I used to take hundreds of pictures at quilt shows.  However, for the last few shows I have attended I have tried hard to focus just on what inspires me and why.  Our Modern guild had a guest speaker earlier this year who mentioned that in a show there are likely only 5% of the quilts that truly speak to us and everyone’s 5% will be different.  The following 3 quilts were in my 5% and were the 3 quilts that spoke to me.

My favorite quilt in the show was called “Christmas is Coming”, pieced by Shirley Square-Briggs.  This was a Split 9-Patch quilt set on point that was flawlessly pieced and quilted.  My favorite quilts are scrap quilts and I love this design.  Shirley picked the most perfect shade of red fabric to best show off the scrappy Christmas fabrics.  This was my pick for Viewer’s Choice.



The second quilt to make my 5% was called, Abbies Quilt which was pieced by one of the gals that belongs to my Modern Guild,  Lyn Robinson.  The pattern is called Modern Mingle from PatternWorkz Design Studio, by Canadian designers Kelsey and Joanie Morrow from Olds, Alberta.



The third quilt to make my 5% was called Circle Block which is made from a pattern from Cozy Quilt Designs that was made by Sharlene Fairhurst.  I love that this is a scrappy quilt in a unique layout.DSC_0754DSC_0755From the 5% of the quilts that made me stop and take a look, I can confirm that the quilts that appeal to me share the characteristics of being simple, scrappy, and modern.

There were a lot of fantastic quilts at this show – many were very impressive (quilts that were hand pieced from thousands of pieces and then hand quilted, quilts that were fantastic works of hand embroidery, or paper piecing) – but they weren’t my particular style or in my 5%.