It has been a busy few weeks. I do have something to show for my efforts though.
This is a Nancy Halvorsen design from her book, Calendar Quilts & Stitcheries. The stitcheries are originally quite small and have been re-sized to fit an 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper. This was the block for March. I started working on this block at the beginning of March but I finished it off this weekend. It still needs the ties added to the kite string but I will put those on after this piece is quilted. At the rate I am working on these, I will not keep up to completing one each month.
Saturday, Linda and I worked at getting our Alex Anderson heart stitchery blocks set into quilt tops. This was a day that we had set aside some time ago to work on this project. Both Linda and I seem to make good progress on these “focused” days. I had supper cooking in the crock pot so I was able to devote the entire day to quilting–finishing by 11:30 at night.
Linda and I wanted something different than the setting that Alex showed on her website for these blocks–a rail fence sashing with nine patch cornerstones. Linda drafted a number of choices of settings and this was my favorite.
I need to make a quick baby quilt soon and I love this. Can you tell me what size the strips are please ? It will be for my daughters college tutor whose baby is due anytime now. It is an unexpected surprise as they have been trying for years and had just about given up now they are into their forties. So a quilt is definitely called for xx
Oh, I can see now why you had to be careful with the block layout with that red tone on tone! Good thing you caught it on that first block before you were ripping on the other 12.
The quilt top turned out really cute with that set. That alternate block was my 2nd choice–out of how many, LOL??? I still have the outer border to go on mine–boring old white but I may hand quilt in some hearts on it to pep it up.
And how cute did that Naptime turn out? You had that top whipped up in no time once you pulled the fabrics. The flannel piece is perfect with that animal theme plus will be nice and cuddly for the baby.
I will be interested to see what you use to sash your quilt-let with. With as many stitcheries as we have going, it is going to be hard to keep up but every little stitch adds up over time. A few at quilt group or while watching TV with the family, outside app’ts……next thing you know, you will marking another one.
Such pretty sticheries, I love Nancy Halvorson patterns.
Great work! The heart one is just stunning.