Redwork Hearts – Part 2

I finished the remaining 8 redwork hearts in Alex Anderson’s 12 Days of Redwork series.

These hearts have been the perfect portable “take along” project while traveling on my recent holiday.
Now that Linda and I have both finished the stitching on our hearts we are ready to assemble our quilt tops. Linda has some great ideas for how we might set these blocks together.
I found this fabric on Friday while I was out shopping. I am thinking that this will work for a border on my project.
I believe I am hooked on these stitchery type of projects as I have already started on some other redwork/stitchery block of the month series….progress to follow.

Easter Bunny Sighting

This is Rambo.

Rambo does not belong to our family, but he seems to have adopted us. Rambo often hangs out in our yard and visits through the glass with our cat, Joey.

Rambo is very focused on something or someone in our yard….

Could this be the illusive Easter Bunny?
This rabbit has recently started hanging around our yard. Word must have gotten out that we are a pet friendly household!
Photography by my talented daughter! (Can you tell that I am a very proud Mom?)