Rooster Twist

I finished up my quilt that was started at our FAB retreat in August. This quilt was a finished flimsy on August 16 Now this quilt is quilted and bound. That must be a record for me–2 months to quilt and bind.

Cher kept me company while I put the binding on this one. There is nothing like a friend to keep you focused on the task at hand. Cher has finished her Strip Twist as well and I believe she has already gifted her quilt to the lucky recipient.

The pattern is called, Strip Twist and is by G.E. Designs.

I am calling my quilt Rooster Twist, named for the fabulous rooster fabric that I used on the borders that I just could not bear to cut up into smaller pieces. I love this fabric just as much now as I did the day I spied it in the fabric shop.

I used to use muslin to back my quilts. I have now decided that the backs need to be darker in colour than beige or white. Now I look for fabric for backing my quilts that will not show the tell tale signs of wear that quilts get with loving use over time.
I love the colour of the fabric on the back of this quilt–I am calling it Carmel. The picture doesn’t do it justice as it has a wonderful swirl pattern to it.