Last Wednesday night was our quilt guild’s annual Christmas potluck.
The first three pictures are taken in the hall of all the ladies who attended this year.

After dinner, we had a Christmas stocking show and tell. Any members who had made stockings brought them to share with the rest of us.
One of our members has been leading us in a mystery quilt. The project has been totally created by her and is proving to be a lot of fun. Those who having been playing along for the last three months brought their creations to share with the rest of us.
We are also having a block of the month lotto. Each month we are given instructions to make a block. You bring your finished blocks to the next month’s meeting. At that meeting, a name is drawn from all the blocks contributed and the winner wins all the blocks. Each block you enter gives you an entry–the more blocks you make, the more chances you have to win. This month’s block is a string block foundation pieced onto used dryer sheets.

Even though everyone is working from the same directions with the same pattern, just changing the fabrics changes the look of the quilt.

One of the guild members came up to me during the meeting and told me she has just discovered my blog. Hello, Ursula!
Loved your pictures! Please tell the one lady with the quilt that had the navy stars that one of her points on one star on backwards…I am sure if she looks at the picture she will see it. I would hate to have her quilt it and then discover the mistake.
Mary Jo in Iowa
What a wonderful show and tell. I am glad you had fun at your Christmas potluck!
Love the star quilts. happy Holiday to you
Good turnout at the party and I know you all had wonderful time.
The quilts are all so pretty. I wonder howh many we will be able to spot come the next quilt show?
And former birthday girl? I have a pretty good idea how old you are but then I have insiders information. Glad you celebrated it in style with your family.
thanks for sharing all the eye candy from your guild Christmas party. That’s one thing I miss about a bigger guild–all the show and tell! Belated Birthday wishes and a Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Wishing You a Happy Christmas from NZ.