Guild Christmas Potluck

Last Wednesday night was our quilt guild’s annual Christmas potluck.

The first three pictures are taken in the hall of all the ladies who attended this year.

I missed taking a picture of all the food. What a spread! Even though you tell yourself that you are only going to “taste” each dish, you still end up with a plate full of food. Quilting potlucks have the best food!
After dinner, we had a Christmas stocking show and tell. Any members who had made stockings brought them to share with the rest of us.

One of our members has been leading us in a mystery quilt. The project has been totally created by her and is proving to be a lot of fun. Those who having been playing along for the last three months brought their creations to share with the rest of us.

Even though everyone is working from the same directions with the same pattern, just changing the fabrics changes the look of the quilt.
We are also having a block of the month lotto. Each month we are given instructions to make a block. You bring your finished blocks to the next month’s meeting. At that meeting, a name is drawn from all the blocks contributed and the winner wins all the blocks. Each block you enter gives you an entry–the more blocks you make, the more chances you have to win. This month’s block is a string block foundation pieced onto used dryer sheets.

The last item on our agenda before the “meeting” part of the night is show and share (show and tell). This is the most popular part of our monthly meetings.

One of the guild members came up to me during the meeting and told me she has just discovered my blog. Hello, Ursula!

Birthday Fun

This post is a bit of a mixed bag. I neglected to post pictures from my birthday on November 24, so here are a couple.

I was treated well on my birthday. I enjoyed a dinner cooked by my mother just before my birthday and dinner out on my birthday. I also was chauffeured to and from work by my DH on my birthday.


I also had two birthday cakes–one made by my Mom and the second made by my daughter. This heart-shaped cake was the one made by my daughter.
And no, I am not going to reveal my age. I will give you a hint though–I am old enough to know better and young enough to do it again!
I received a laptop for my birthday. This is how many evenings are now spent–the three of us computing on our laptops. This pictures shows my DD and my DH. I also will sit with my laptop but I am not in the picture because I took the picture. And no before you ask, we are not talking to each other on our laptops. LOL

This is Joey. Kids never really grow up. Although my son is way past his teens, he took some of our quilts and made a fort for the cat!
Good to see my quilts are useful!
The outside of Joey’s fort.