Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day!

Today was such a nice sunny day, we celebrated Father’s Day by grilling and eating outside.

Because the weather has been so cool and rainy lately, today’s weather was a welcome change.

This is (from left to right) my mom, dad, husband, daughter, and son.

Table Toppers

While in Oregon, my mother spotted the perfect fabrics with lilacs on it. She bought enough for me to make three table toppers–one for my aunt, one for me, and one for herself.

I managed to finished the topper for my aunt in time for her to take it back with her to Saskatchewan. A week ago I finished my mother’s.

I have not yet finished the topper for myself. What is it that they say about a mechanic’s car–a mechanic never has time to fix his own car, always busy fixing everyone else’s. I think the same is true of quilters. I seem to find time to finish everyone else’s quilts, but don’t have time to finish my own! LOL

This past week, it has been very busy here–i finished quilting 7 customer quilts from Monday to today. I am now officially caught up–at least for a couple of days. I am anxious to work on some of my own projects in the next few days.