Local Fall Fair 2007 – Sept. 14 and 15, 2007

The annual Fall Fair in our small community is an event that many look forward to all year. Many people return “home” this weekend and so it becomes a reunion of sorts–a time to see friends and family that have moved away from our small community over the years.

These are pictures from the parade on Saturday morning. The parade is always led by one of our local Mounties in red serge along with members of our local Legion.

Each year in conjunction with our fair, we crown our Corn King for the year. This is a title that the local dairy farmers compete for. This year, we had our first ever Corn Queen! Here she is atop a horse drawn wagon – on the right holding the bright bouquet of flowers and wearing her crown and cape.

A parade is never complete until the horses go by.

There were many restored vintage vehicles in this year’s parade.

Look at all those sock monkeys!

These are pictures of some of the floral and produce displays in the hall.

And of course, here are the quilts!

This is my mom and dad inspecting the entries.

My favorite quilts – a chicken quilt…

… and this farm yard quilt.

This is a quilt that was made by families in our community years ago. This quilt has made an appearance at many community events over the years.