Dryer Diamond Strings

This is my last finish for this weekend.

These were my dryer sheet string blocks.

I don’t like the border on this one. The border in itself is fine, it just doesn’t work on this quilt. However, it is now a finished flimsy ready for quilting, and I am sure it will find a home where it will be loved just the same. 🙂 Not every idea in my head turns out like I think it will!

Ladybug Building Blocks Finished

This is my second finish for this weekend. I have had the luxury of spending my time this weekend working on my own projects. I have been “making hay while the sun shines”, making full use of the opportunity.
This quilt is now quilted (using my new Swirls template) and bound.

Detail of the quilting.

I have been asked what I did to alter my quilt from Debbie Mumm’s pattern.

Debbie Mumm’s quilt is crib size, finishing at 46″ x 58″. That size was a little too small for my needs so I enlarged the pattern to 51″ x 75″.

This is the layout from Debbie Mumm’s pattern.

If you compare this diagram with the photo of my quilt you will see that I have added…….

….one extra row of blocks and….

one extra strip down the side.

My handwritten notes indicate that you need to cut the following numbers of strips of the different fabrics:

6 – 3 1/2″ strips of Fabric A (blue)

5 – 3 1/2″ strips of Fabric B (pink)

4 – 3 1/2″ strips of Fabric C (green)

5 – 3 1/2″ strips of Fabric D (yellow)

2 – 6 1/2″ strips of Fabric E (orange)

3 – 3 1/2″ strips of Fabric E (orange)

First border: 1 1/2″ strips (green)

Outer border: 6 1/2″ strips (print)

Binding: 7 – 2 1/2″ strips (pink)

This pattern works up fast and will definitely be one that I do again.