These are pictures of this year’s CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway) Holiday Train. We live in a very small community, but each year CPR makes our community one of its stops for its Holiday Train. (CPR may be making up for the fact that we must tolerate the trains as they whistle right through the middle of town several times a day!) This year, the Holiday Train passed through our community on December 19.
The Holiday Train brings with it a free show–this year’s entertainers were Wide Mouth Mason (which appealed to my kids and not myself or my parents) and Lisa Brokop. The evening was cold and you had to dress in layers, but it was well worth it. The arrival of this train has become part of our family traditions surrounding the Christmas season.
At each stop along the route, people donate money and nonperishable food items to the local food banks and CPR presents a check that goes directly to the local food bank.
If you get a chance, visit the CPR site and read about the CPR Holiday Train and their contributions to local communities.
Thank you CPR!

I’ve never heard of the holiday train before. We live along a rail line as well – but it was BC Rail – now CN — no holiday train here. It looks like it would be such a fun time.
Happy New Year
wow, Norma thank you so much for the link. My husband is a huge train enthusiast. He collects antique toy trains and so we’re all bout the train in my house. This was fun! I enjoy seeing your quilts as well. Happy New Year.
I love the idea of this train! I love trains, they are just my favorite thing – lifelong love affair with them. I love the whistle, night or not. The train that runs by here doesn’t blow it. We are too small I guess. =( I wish our trains did something like this. Do you still have passenger trains used a lot?