We spent Christmas Day at my mother in law’s and most of my husband’s family was in attendance. There were a total of 32 people in that small house. After opening gifts we settled down to a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

As you can see from the pictures, places to sit were at a premium! There definitely was not room to sit everyone all at the same table. Chairs were borrowed from neighbours and every table was put into service.
Merry Christmas everyone and all the best in the new year!
Now that’s a family gathering — looks like fun.
Wow, Norma, you have no idea how these pictures take me back to my humble beginnings! Looks like how holidays were at my Mom and Dad’s when I was growing up. Being the youngest of 9, and the youngest by 8 years no less, you can imagine that there were lots and lots of people in a very small house…total chaos…chaos I would give anything now to revisit just once more. Great picture of you and your hubby (and I LOVE that quilt behind you!). 😀 Happy New Year!
It might have been a little snug, but I sure do see lots of smiles in those photos!