We awoke this morning to our first snow of the season. The sun broke through the clouds and made the ground sparkle! It wasn’t long before the weather turned overcast and cloudy again. The temperature has dropped and we have more snow in the forecast. I am glad that I don’t need to drive far for the next few days!
Thank you for sharing your Aunt’s letter. I enjoy your blog!
Getting chilly there now, the snow looks great. Keep warm!
Belated Happy Birthday! I enjoyed your Aunt’s recollections; a gift of words and memories and your history. She may remember more, later. That’s lovely.
keeps snowing here, but we don’t have much considering its late Novemebr… The snowboarder in the family keeps moaning in fact!
We also woke up to snow. On my birthday every year my Dad gives me a hour by hour account of what he was doing and his first sight of me. I have it memorized by now! Lol. It’s fun to hear those kinds of details though. Your aunt’s letter is fascinating.
The cloud shadows up on the mountainsides are neat!
Keep warm!
Very pretty! I guess the snow came down as far as Seattle – at least that’s what Fred said it looked like on the regional satellite picture on the internet. They are using the “s” word mixed with showers here for Tuesday but that’s it. So far it’s not gotten nearly as cold as they thought it would.
Such a pretty blue sky with those white clouds!
You’ll have to post a picture when you get more snow… I’m always tempted to go bake something when the weather gets cold. Home made bread, anyone? 🙂
Although we’re giving up some space and paying a premium for the apartment right in the city, that is exactly why we’re doing it. I’m a Southern girl and I hated the thought of having to drive in the snow – especially since Keith travels so much.
I was hoping for some snow before I went back to Marietta but I leave in the morning so now I’ll wish for a white Christmas.
How beautiful the sky looks. Lovely scenery in your spot in BC. I guess with more snow coming it didn’t stay blue long.
We had a gray sky this past week that I told DJ if I didnt know better I would say, that’s a snow sky. It just looks different–and we did have some flurries!
Lovely letter from you Aunt.
It has been snowing here since last night. And last night the power went out! Boy did I ever say a word – and then in about 30 seconds it came back on – thank goodness. We have only about 5 cm of snow right now. I hope it melts soon.