This Saturday, our quilt guild is hosting its first “hung” quilt show.
In the past we have had two “show and tell” type quilt shows where guests were invited to view the quilts at specific times during the day. The MC read the “story” related to each quilt as it was held up for viewing on the stage. The problem with this type of show is that people showed up at various times during the day to see the quilts and it was not necessarily when one of our “showings” was scheduled.
This year we are having a traditional quilt show where the quilts are hung from quilt racks in a hall. This type of show is a lot more work to set up than the show and tell version but I think it will be appreciated more by our viewing audience.
I head out later today to help set up quilt racks and hang quilts. The show opens tomorrow.
If you are near by this weekend, drop in and see our “best”. If you can’t get to our quilt show in person, return to this site later in the weekend for the “virtual” version.
I look forward to seeing your pics, as it’s a touch farther than I can go in one day. =) I like the show and tell thing, though. I’ve never been to such a thing and think it would be very enjoyable to hear the stories.
I’ll be back for the the virtual show. Hope your live turn out is great *s*
Hope your quilt show goes well. It is a lot of work, but also a lot of fun.
Good luck with the turnout Norma, hope it all goes just perfectly!! Hugs, Finn
I didn’t get to go to TN after all so I guess I’ll get to the little show up the road from me. You can call when my name is pulled now, LOL. Hope you take lots of pictures!
How fun for your group…good luck and don’t wear yourself out! Can’t wait to hear how it went.
Good luck on the show and the quilts don’t fall off the racks!
Can’t wait to visit virtually! Good luck and have fun.
hope the show goes welll
I hope your show was well patronised and you are not too tired. I’ll come back soon for the photos.