PieceMakers Quilt Guild Challenge – Results

Remember this quilt? This was my entry for our quilt guild’s show challenge. It has been some time since we received our fat quarter of fabric so if you don’t remember what we were challenged to work with, check here.

When the quilt show was opened to the public this morning, the challenge winners were unveiled. I was thrilled to find out that I had won first place in the traditional quilt category! My prize was $20.

It was my label that helped the judges understand my interpretation of the challenge. (My name on my label was covered so the judges did not know who owned the quilt). This was my label:

I hope by clicking on this picture you are better able to see the words on the label. Credit goes to Linda J. for linking my challenge to the hymn, “For the Beauty of the Earth”.

The first place entry in the contemporary category was:

The following are pictures of the remaining nine entries.

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I love to participate in quilt challenges. I think challenges are opportunities to venture outside my comfort zone and work with fabrics I might not always choose to include in my regular quilt projects.

It always amazes me that when a group of quilters are given the same parameters and a piece of the same fabric, each person will interpret the challenge differently, resulting in such a wide variety of creations. All eleven entries were exhibited together as a collection and made for a very colourful display.

Each quilter who participated in the challenge received their choice of two batik fat quarters as a thank you from the guild for completing the challenge.

12 thoughts on “PieceMakers Quilt Guild Challenge – Results

  1. Hey, what a wonderful surprise for you yesterday morning! Congratulations! All I did is remind you of the hymn that the name of the challenge inspired in me–one of my favorites. I love that picture of the tulips and your quilt. Good thing you got that binding finished, LOL!

    Cher was working on her butterfly challenge yesterday–my group and hers are using the same 1/2 yard of fabric for that. While digging around in my bins lat night for snuggle up backings, I think I spotted the “go with’s” for mine. Like going on a treasure hunt.

  2. Congratulations on your win! I’m sure that made you feel really good. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the show. Looks like many wonderful quilts were on display!

    I sent you a “thank you” package in the mail a week or two ago – in gratitude for the disk of pictures you made for me. Did you get it? I hope it didn’t get hung up in customs.

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