Flowers From Ferndale

Aren’t these flowers beautiful!

I received flowers on Friday at work. They are from my co-workers at my old work location. I started work at a new work location on the 12th–same employer; I have just moved to a work location closer to home. I will miss my co-workers at the old site but I will not miss the 1 1/2 hours driving in my car everyday!

Friday the 13th is supposed to be an unlucky day–but as you can see, it was just the opposite sort of day for me!

Thank you Ferndale staff! Posted by Picasa

12 thoughts on “Flowers From Ferndale

  1. Beautiful flowers…I would say Friday the 13th was a very lucky day for you 🙂 Taking 1 1/2 hours off your commute sounds like more time to sew YIPPEE!

  2. I’ll email you tomorrow, Norma but just popping by the blog. Gorgeous flowers for a deserving lady. They were so sweet to think of you in your new facility.

  3. Lovely flowers !
    May Britt pointed out to me how my season, summer, reflects my colours, as it does with you to. Something to think about 🙂
    Your table runner looks very good !

  4. What wonderful, considerate, charming coworkers you had at Ferndale. You must miss them terribly, especially your old boss!!!!

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