This is the center of my paint chip challenge quilt. This piece measures 10″ square (finished). I put 4 of the pinwheel blocks together–each block is 5″ square (finished). This block placement results in a secondary design in the centre of the four blocks with the green and beige pieces reversed.
Some of my points don’t quite match so I am thinking about putting a button in the center of each pinwheel.
The next step will be to add a narrow brick red border.
Nice block 🙂 I am looking forward to see the finished product
great way to highlight your focus fabric without letting it dominate…
I don’t know that the points are worth worrying about- they don’t show in the photo. I’m looking forward to seeing what you do next.
Dorothy Stapleton who is a great fun British quilter I admire always recommends buttons for dodgy points – if it’s good enough for her………
cute quilt – i think it will look great with some buttons and a rust border.
I like it! It is neat how the pinwheels move your eye to see the other pinwheel forms.
And good too, it needs some red. I know you had that in the back of your mind.
I am very late getting around the ring and posting today–sorry I wasn’t there to start your day.
I think it looks really good Norma. It seems like the more triangle points that come together the harder it is for every one to be perfect. The button sounds like a great idea, but I don’t think it looks bad at all, the way it is…*VBS*
I like buttons on quilts!
I too like buttons on quilts – but then I collect buttons.
I think your pinwheels are fine. It will be fun to watch the progess as you add to this center.
I also like a yoyo for a center although it looks okay as is to me.
I think this turned out great! Norma…very sweet.