I am not sure how other quilters store their UFOs but I have mine stored in various ways. I have most of my larger UFOs stored in pizza-type boxes with a label on the end identifying what is in the box. I keep the UFO and all fabric and patterns related to that UFO in that box. This way when I want to work on a project, I can just take out the box and go to work.
Smaller projects are kept together in a large tote that is identified with a label on the end of it showing that it contains works in progress.
I also have two hand-work UFO projects that live in a basket in the living room next to my chair. It is amazing how old these ones are!One of the projects is a kit that I bought at Woolco here in Canada before it was bought by Wal-Mart. This project is at least 11 years old. I looked on Wal-Mart Canada’s web site and found out that “Wal-Mart Canada was founded in March 1994 with the acquisition of the Woolco division of Woolworth Canada Inc. A total of 122 stores were converted in less than eight months to the Wal-Mart format.”
This project was a whole cloth quilt with a cross stitch design stamped on it. After the cross stitch is completed, it can be sandwiched with batting and backing and is ready to quilt. Even the quilting lines are marked in blue on the top. This picture shows the progress I have made on the top – it is only about half complete.
This is a closeup of one of the stars.
The second UFO project in the basket is an English Paper Pieced Star quilt made out of diamond shapes. Each piece is hand basted to a freezer paper template and then they are hand sewn together into a star shape.This project was started as a gift for my son. I believe I started this one in 1998.
I thought I might have it finished in time for my son’s High School Graduation. He graduated two years ago. Then I thought I might finish it in time for his Graduation from University. He graduates from University in three years. With the slow progress I have made so far, this might be an ambitious goal. Some of the rows are put together. Each of the stars is made from a different fabric. My son was very specific that there should be no flowers or “girlie stuff” in this quilt. It was difficult to find enough fabrics to keep each block unique while staying way from anything with a flower in it or any hint of something feminine.
Both these projects are wonderful, Norma. I think I may have a cross stitch project similar to that one that one of the Belles passed on to me—seems like some of it is loose, in blocks maybe. I will have to pull it out to look.
I would say, finish the stars up at whatever size it turns out to be, border it and give it to Matt as a coach throw.
Pingback: Progress On My Oldest UFO | Silver Thimble Quilting
Do you have the instructions for the “Matthew’s Star” quilt? I found a bag of cut pieces on a paper grid that my mother had before she passed suddenly in 2003. I would love to finish this for her but do not have any idea as to where to go from here. She had a sheet of paper entitled “Mystery Quilt #5 – Matthew’s Star” Step 1 of 9. Attached was a grid sheet that I assume she copied as she had stitched the paper grid to her fabric pieces. The grid was in HST’s (the instructions called half square triangle’s). I know that HST’s can be sewn into squares but have no idea how the pattern is pieced to form this square. Your pictures give me some idea. I would appreciate any help you could provide. I haven’t been able to find instructions anywhere online.