Everything but the Kitchen Sink

I thought I should start showing some of UFOs that I am working on. I do not start a project and see it through to completion before starting another project. This is why I have an endless list of UFOs! I am often tempted to try a new technique, put together a new block based on an exciting new quilt I have found, etc. in between projects that I am currently working on. As well, I become bored with a particular project and often shift gears to another project.
This quilt is named Everything but the Kitchen Sink because it has many blocks in it that were sitting around without a home. There is no plan to this quilt – it will be finished when it is queen size. I have no idea how it will look when totally finished as the decision for what to do on the the next round is not made until the previous round is finished. I still have a box of log cabin blocks that will eventually make their way into this top as well.

The intent of the quilt is merely to use up orphan blocks and reduce my scrap stash. No plan, no rules!

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