It seems that I can not stick to just one project from start to finish. I have several on the go at any one point in time and find that I switch between projects often.The inspiration for one of my latest projects was an article in the 2002 issue of Quilt Almanac. (I say latest project meaning that I have been working on it off and on lately. I started this quilt top many years ago and it is truly a UFO in need of completion!) The quilt in the magazine was made by Sandy Henry and is referred to as the traditional Rail Fence.
This is my version which I have named, Rail Fence Around the World. I have finished this project to the binding stage. The binding is sewn onto the quilt by machine and I just have to hand stitch it to the back of the quilt. My goal is to completely finish this quilt before next Wednesday night so that I can show it off at our guild meeting show and tell that night.This is a close up of the quilt showing the machine quilting that I did on my long arm. The quilting pattern is Baptist Fan and is a favorite of mine.
I am also working on the blocks for a scrap quilt that I started between Christmas and New Year’s. (No new fabrics were purchased for this project. The goal is to finish this one with fabrics from my existing stash. I had many strips of fabric cut already just waiting to be put to use.) The pattern is Fun With Bricks and can be found on Quiltville Custom Quilting’s web site at the following address: . Bonnie suggests making 30 blocks in her pattern. I have 19 made so far–only 11 more to go! The block finishes at 12″ square so this will be a nice-sized quilt when it is finished.
You’re quilt is very pretty mommy! 🙂